SOCIO-ECONOMICS, POLITICS and CULTURE in the most popular country in the CHRISTIAN WORLD

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Today's world lives in distress and suffers from chaos --pravda | Criminal Acts --Rene Delavy

Today's world lives in distress and suffers from chaos

The United States of America are the most powerful state of the World. They are the one and only hegemonic nation, and at the same time most militarised state on Earth. How come? The citizens of the USA as the major victims of terrorism? Not. On every US-citizen in the World Trade Centre of 9/11 (total 3000 victims), the US-Army has slaughtered 1000 Vietnamese (3 Mio. victims) and killed 300 Iranians by support of Saddam Hussein. For each US-American of WTC, the Latin America's dictators have tortured to death, with the consent of several US-presidents and their CIA, 10 young Argentineans, Chileans or other nationals, in fact the whole intelligentsia of a generation - and no politician or editor, in the east or the west, especially not FOX-TV, CNN, the New York Times or FAZ or Herald Tribune or Le Monde or NZZ would ever talk about it, whereas 9/11 is meant to be the worst criminal act since Hitler's holocaust on Jews.

The Friedman-theory of Globalisation and Neo-liberalism, in particular as done under the neo-conservatism of Reagan and Bush, has always functioned in a way that rich people and nations become richer and poor become poorer. Africa and some other aeries do not have any chance in this casino-play of making money flow to Swiss Banks and in the pocket of the richest people on Earth. By the end, USA will force all remaining energy stuff and raw material with their atomic power to be transported solely to their own country and the rest of human beings can starve and have "think tanks" study wherefrom they can still stay alive. The stupidest president ever, George W. Bush, was landing in a little plane and in bomber jacket on a huge aircraft-carrier and this is the most ridiculous documentary film of all times, comparable to the asshole-speeches of Hitler and Mussolini's pose on a little balcony.

European Countries have "colonized" Africa and some other aeries in the World, torn in pieces their natural life and brought the idea of money-capitalism, technological greed-thinking and the belief that with force, just anything will be better. Then they disappeared from Africa and the rest, left blood-dictators with their children-armies and after the slaughtering, they organize today some proof-seeking Carla-Del-Ponte-Tribunals. However, the whole world has already seen for years in the press and on TV-screen all criminal acts of the world. We can send Carla Del Ponte back home and these stupid attempts to search for justice. From Africa come some very starving Negroes (it is a scandal to name such people "black", they have never been black) and want to live in Europe . They are seized, put in jail and then sent back home, after they have indebted themselves until life-end, for the services of some ugly African mafia organisations. It is evident that Europe would collapse if all poor Africans would come to Europe . But as it is today, the colonisation of Africa functions in a way that this continent will collapse and nothing real can be done to prevent it, because rich become richer and poor become poorer. And all "think"-tanks and NGO-conferences of the world just do as if they would understand what's happening here.

In Latin America , Pinochet and some other bloody dictators seized hundreds of thousands of students, teachers and editors, the whole intelligentsia of a generation, and tortured their own youth to death. This was done in the interest of all US-governments and under the instruction of the secret army of the most cynical presidents, the CIA. Now these states honour those blood dictators in making the parents and children of victims pay for the free and luxury life of bloody dictators, politicians, torturers and generals. And all the press laughs its head off for having nothing to tell about the truth on the violation of ethics in Argentina, Chile, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Iraq, Tibet, Congo, Ex-Yugoslavia and the rest of past and present dictatorships.

And the World Press just does what all the “boulevardish” and dull editors do since Hitler and Murdoch: They cry "BRAVO" for so-called and facts-turning "Bush-revenge" at the beginning - and wake up and recognize their own stupidity only by the end of the sad song when all of us become victims of world's most stupid political brains ever. Live in or visit today's McCarthy-U-SS-A and you may be seized - for the colour of your skin, your beliefs or your stupidity to visit that country - by Bush's patriots and tortured abroad in Egypt or Eastern Europe, or you may be thrown innocently in a US-jail anywhere in the world or just deposited in Castro's Guantanamo - against all rules of human-rights.

The Religious Leaders of Catholics, Moslems, New-born-Idiots and some other faith from legendary guys like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha etc. organize some Hollywood and Ratzinger-like mass events and declare their specific Gods as the only and "infallible" Holy Guy in heaven, apparently existing in the area above our overstressed heads. Normal reasoning would dictate the following fact: The ONE and only God of the Universe would leave the lead to the natural laws on Earth. Instead the male part of the Islam, of Catholicism and other religions declares half of their population, more precisely the female human beings, as second-class persons. They throw them in fire, slaughter them with stones (whereas the male violators are glorified for their fitness in corps and spirit), force them under masks or head-towels, arrange laws to the profit of privileged boys and their fathers. And this lasted now for a period of over the last 2000 years, practically in all religions. And all the normal people and all the press of the world do just believe, that the one and only god, the one of the nature throughout the universe, just accepts this torturing view on justice and brings peace and/or virgins to males after their death. In fact, they will burn in hell after having committed on Earth all crimes we can think of during their lifetime.

In Russia, Yeltsin gave away trillions of values in dollars or rubles of the Ex-Soviet-Union to a handful of greedy oligarchs, who have even stolen the starting money from the stupid poor Russians - and so the communist idea (Russian folks fortune: oil, gas, metal and all the rest should belong to the population as a whole) was replaced within days by the idea of Friedman and Chicago boys US-capitalism. Putin is a little more intelligent: He puts in jail the oligarchs that did not want to give him the money he needed - and the rest can stay as rich as before. And the normal folks stay starving without any help of the government. But the oligarchs can continue to deposit the stolen fortunes of nature and all the wealth of their nation in Swiss banks. By the way: Where does Putin take the Russian peoples' right to get rid of the gas- and oil-wealth of his nation for an apple and an egg? This man is crazy. He sells the only fortune of Russia within his time of dictatorship, whereas the local future generations will be starving?

Same goes for all Arabian Nations: In 20 years from now, the sheiks will have to give away their gigantic reserves of oil to USA or China, whoever is first to threaten with atomic bombs on the palaces of the most cynical rich guys in the Middle East. They are not owner of what nature has given to human mankind. Just tell this little truth to a handful of men who have not half of the intelligence of my dog. Think also of the fact, that the most stupid mafias of the world, the CIA and all other secret "intelligence!!!"-services, represent the dull organisations on Earth and should therefore be hidden in the death-camp of Guantanamo ... They simply turned against the very few philosophical and wise men - to the advantage of the bank accounts of the most stupid and powerful idiots of all times, before all our securities will fall down in a terrible "Orkus" of human vanities.

The Chinese "Wirtschaftswunder" (fantasies in making money out of stones) is another mafia-matter: The Chinese Government is right now giving away the whole natural wealth of the country to a few golden boys, which are living on the account of the poorest Chinese folks from the land, whereas 80 percent of the population in agriculture starves and will pay the price for such vanity and the new and huge indebtedness of the Chinese government that will culminate in a future collapse of China. Mao was by far wiser than his crazy supporters and survivors. The "Wonder in Economics" will collapse when the Chinese government will realize that the US-treasury bonds of mystery-man Alan Greenspan cannot be sold to anyone for a single penny, because the gigantic US-bankruptcy if covered only by fantasies of making gold out of worthless economic theories since Adam Smith, Marx, Keynes and Friedman. Only today's USA-pragmatists are more stupid than these "Homo-in-the-centre and the animals and nature of our platform Earth in the asshole" theoreticians.

The real mafia bosses in Italy, in America and in Africa have in fact become the nicest guys of the world, when compared to Bush and his crazy bunch of criminals (see my Open Letter to George W. Bush - criminal acts in politics), also when compared with the shareholder-value-gangsters of CEOs on top of the big companies in the USA and in Europe. The poor people throughout the world pay for the craziness and the greed of the Swiss bankers, the stupid US-managers and Bush's bunch of criminals, the Russian oligarchs and the new Chinese golden boys.

Do you still have some questions, privileged Gentlemen, tortured Ladies and starving children? Write to all Alibi-NGOs (WWF, Greenpeace, Amnesty International etc.) representing like sheep the world's power nations. Write to the cynical Assembly of United Nations and his secretary Kofi Annan, Bush, Putin, Blair, Koizumi, Chinese government, Merkel, Solana, Chirac, Berlusconi, Blocher and other "great names" of this cynical world - or directly to your personal God in heaven of any religion. They all know that, just now, our reality is in its free fall. On Earth, life is on the way to become a real hell - in economy, ecology and in the head of those who don't want realise, what the true state of affairs on Earth will be for our future generations. We are all victims of a culture of high stupidity - and no one was able to see that we all are going down the drain right now.

Rene Delavy
Author of "Chaos" / "Power x Stupidity = Self destruction" / "Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities

© 1999-2006. «PRAVDA.Ru».

Criminal Acts In Politics

Monday, March 6th, 2006

By René Delavy

Remember Pinochet and the torturing to death of thousands of young people in Chile? Remember the generals of Argentine and other nations in South America, killing ten thousands of students, teachers, intellectuals and journalists? Remember: The democrat Allende and all other decent men and women could not have been killed without the consent of the Government of the USA and his secret army, the CIA. Remember Vietnam: Three million people ( and this happened AFTER a World War II ) killed for nothing at all, in the name of an ideology of capitalism, without the Chinese, Soviets and other being able to prevent it? McNamara, Henry Kissinger, Kennedy, Nixon and the rest just killed whole populations without any reasons. And this was done, after Hitler dared many years earlier - under the same principles and idea of hegemony - to kill six million Jews, many millions of Russians, Americans, French and English people. Where is the fundamental difference between Nazi-Germany and USA in the years 1960 to 2005, in the light of the future development, which risks getting out of any control?

This killing goes on today. With the consent of all mass Media of the USA, George W. Bush did not want to get rid of Saddam Hussein. No, this monster is still alive, whereas the oil of Iraq seemed already to be firm in the hands of the US Industry - that paid for George W. Bush to be president of the most cynical state of the Earth and then to act in their interest. And therefore, many Iraqis and people of Afghanistan had to die for no good reasons, but for the lies, that Powell was spreading in the face of all the nations of the UN - just before the decided battle started. As a result, the whole Arab area is now preparing a War in spirit against the western ideology of hegemonial thinking, result of an attempt to influence these states in a way that the USA government would have the power on the oil of the whole Arab region. This has been the original plan of Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove and all the rest.

Eight years of Bush regency will have destabilized the world in a way, the blinded Media in the USA did not see, when they followed an idiot in his adventure; Fox-TV, Murdoch, New York Times, USA Today and all other newspapers followed his leader, as German Media did when Hitler came to power. Where is the fundamental difference? The US-Media did not understand that 9/11 was a reaction and not an action. The slap in the faces of all people of Islam faith had to react, sooner or later. But the journalism of the World is not of a nature to illustrate the change of thinking in the heads of deprivated people, confronted with a western Hollywood mentality of action, fun, killing and porno; an ideology which declares the criminal, powerful and stupid heroes as Masters of the Universe whereas the rest of people in the world obviously are nothing but a bunch of idiots to be ignored, sent in poverty or even worse. So remember who first has made steps forward into Terrorism in this world, long before 9/11.

B. Criminal acts in ecology

Is the protocol of Kyoto of any importance? No, it will not change one percent of the criminal influence of the World, headed by the US population and ideology of capitalism. But the NO of George W. Bush is a sign, that he could not care less about the future generations on the Earth, betting for a survival after all energy stuff of the world will have been transformed in a gas of destruction, with the crazy idea of cars, planes and all the rest, deployed by a mass population of more than seven billion people, of which the US population pollutes more of the air than any other nation in the world. Now, even China tries to copy this model of self destruction. Our children will have to pay the price. It is not George W. Bush alone who is responsible for this misery. But he is the living sign that most people of the world will not be able to understand the state of affairs, before the whole civilization will go down the drain, slowly first - and than - all of a sudden - so fast that no counter action can be taken, by nobody, no nation, no government, NGO, United Nations Organisation or any other power in the world. We have destroyed the future of our own children, and at the same time we laugh our heads off, sitting in a comfortable rapid train that will explode very soon at the wall called “End of the vanities of human mankind”.

The cynicism of George and his bunch of criminals could have been noticed during the drowning of New Orleans: “Just let them go down the drain, those criminal black people with their poverty, far away from us, down in the south.” This was the stupid attitude and the intention of George, before he realized that race-hatred in his own country is not modern thinking. Today, he and his crew try to do everything to make forget this fauxpas of bad taste. But the black people in New Orleans will not forget that the US government did not undertake anything to prevent the loss of a beautiful town, because the killing of Iraqis (instead of killing Saddam Hussein alone) was much more important to them - and so the billions of dollars had to go into that area, for an ideology of apes, for a useless struggle, just for nothing. What has this to do with ecology? You will see it, twenty years from now.

C. Criminal acts in the name of religion

What have the “New born Christians”, also known as the fundamental Evangelists of the United States, what have these conservative bunches to do with Israel? Dear George, quite a lot. In fact the understanding of the US government with all acts of Sharon and other Jewish people in Israel is at the source of the hatred of the Arabs and of Islam people on the Western world and its standards of cynicism. And in fact this is the source of 9/11, nothing else. George W. Bush himself would have planned such a reaction of revenge, would he have been a proud member of the great Islam Society. But this is too difficult to be understood - even for the Chief Editor of the NEW YORK TIMES.

Remember the elicts of faith (Hexenbulle) of the Catholic church that were at the source of hundred thousands of women and men, tortured and thrown in the fire, alive and in a painfulness that cannot be imagined by anybody, a burning of people that lasted for centuries? What is the difference in spirit to the Evangelicans in the USA and their acting outside their borders? The hatred of the Arab nations will grow and grow, also based on the acting of the Israelis against the interests of the Palestinian folks. And sooner or later, the Israelis will be thrown in the Mediterranean Sea. When? At the date, when the influence of the USA will weaken, probably just after the collapse of this hegemonial nation (see next point: Criminal acts in US-economy).

D. Criminal acts in economy

I have written in some books of my oeuvre: “Each US-American owes to the world one million of dollars.” How come? Count and add: The indebtedness (not prevented by Alan Greenspan) of the USA, as a nation, is about 20 trillions or 20´000 billions (deutsch: 20 Billionen) dollars. Add the debts of the 50 States, the towns, the counties and add the credits for credit cards (starting at the age of 16!!), the open leasing rates, hypo-debts only covered by a bubble of fantasy in the house market, plus all other indebtedness in the USA. And now you can count. Result: around 200 trillions of dollars or about one million dollars for each child, each clochard or Bill Gates of the USA!! Very funny, isn´t it?

Who was financing this craziness, born first in the stupid head of Ronald Reagan and than in the one of George W. Bush? It is and was: The Europeans, the Chinese, Japanese, Southcoreans, the Arabs and the Russians. They bought trillions of dollars of Treasury Bonds offered by George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Alan Greenspan, who wanted enrich the USA by lowering the tax charges for the richest people of their folks, voting for George W. and his crazy government. The value of these Bonds is shrinking from day to day, reaching already today a “value” of nearly ZERO. Yes, dear NZZ, dear SPIEGEL, dear DIE ZEIT, dear Herald Tribune, dear CNN and FOX-TV and dear New York Times; listen who are personally responsible for a criminal journalistic boulevard in the world media: Murdoch, Berlusconi, Springer, Disney, Bertelsmann, Ringier, Schawinski, and wake up, all stupid mass Media of the world: THIS, IN FACT, IS THE FINAL COLLAPSE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Remember Swissair? This company died under the burden of 15000 millions of Swiss Francs - but this fact was only understood by NZZ and the rest of the press when all planes were “grounded” in the year 2002. In all years before, these “genius” were blind and without any brain. Read and learn the lesson now: The USA are already broken down - and with this criminal nation will all stock exchanges, banks, insurance companies and old age funds of the whole world break down, in cascades, but without recall.

Is it actually so - or is here a liar at work? Wait and see. The future will give all the answers.

Now folks, this is all I have to tell you for the moment. Its great fun, isn´t its? You will learn the lesson in the near future, the heavy way so, dear George W. Bush, you will, before your death, see the effect of your stupid treatment of (what you understand in your primitive brain) the “rest of the world”. You will have to learn the philosophical maxim: The lived reality in this world is one thing - but your hollywoodesk fantasies, in the face of a declining power, is something else.

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One Response to Criminal Acts In Politics

René Delavy Said
1 week, 6 days ago

Ahmadinejad and Israel

The president of the Iran, Ahmadinejad, is perfectly right with his arguments about ISRAEL.

But first let us talk about 10 percent of errors and stupidity: The holocaust was a reality. There is no shadow of a doubt that the Jews and Israel are entitled to all respect and pity of the world for the worst crime in humanity. It is stupid to deny this fact even if it may be understandable from a politic standpoint. Perhaps the other 90 percent (see below) have driven Ahmadinejad to make such funny speeches. Death under Zyklon-B just means: Suffocating during a terrible fight of death over twenty minutes, standing on the own children to get the last breathe, a painfulness that no one can imagine who never has thought about the crimes of humanity during the last 2000 years. We all should have more empathy for Jewish people who survived the Nazi-Holocaust. These facts should never again be put in doubt in present times.

But now we come to the 90 percent of the arguments of Ahmadinejad that are perfectly correct:

- It is true that the War-criminal states: Germany, Austria, Japan and Italy should have solved the Jewish problem within their own borders as a prize for six million Jews tortured to death and killed some hundred million other nationals. But the consequences of the “Völkermord” (ethnological slaughtering) were stupidly exported in the Near East in order to simplify the situation in Europe after World War II.

- It is true that the world has decided to transfer the problem in the Middle East, allowing Israelis, with the help mainly of the US-government, to play tricks upon the folks who lived there before (robbery of water and land, destruction of olive-groves, treatment of Arabs as humans of second class, gun-bullets again stones, disrespect of the rights of the Palestinians etc.). The chances left to Palestinians were in fact, to make themselves explode as living bombs.

- It is true that the hypocrisy about Sharon today is a scandal and a distortion in history: Like no one else, Sharon has committed crimes in Beirut and in Palestine. He is responsible more than anyone for the whole Arab nations hating today the State of Israel. He pushed forward the Orthodox-Jewish villages and he is responsible for a new “Berliner Mauer” around an artificially shrunk Rest-Palestine.

- It is true that the Western World did almost nothing to prevent such scenery - just as the one of the Iraqis and the Iranians. The USA assisted Saddam Hussein in killing about a million of Iranians and now wants still that this state should beg on its knees, confronting the most militarizes state in the world, full with atomic weapons to dictate in the future whereto energy stuffs should be transported. The spreading out of a dull Hollywood-mentality throughout the world and in the Arab countries in particular, is at the source of Bin Laden’s al-Qaida and the horror of 9/11.

- It is true that the US-Americans should keep their mouth shut, having murdered only for ideological reasons three million of Vietnamese and Cambodgians. They have assisted Pinochet and all other blood dictators in torturing their future intelligentsia to death. In short: USA is responsible for the worst holocausts in the world since 1950 - and no one of the world press has seized it until this very day.

Rene Delavy could continue with listing undesirable facts and figures. The crimes of globalisation and neo-liberalism will cause an economic, ecologic and cultural collapse for the future generations. The growing deprivation in most of the southern nations is caused by the same wrong thinking in organizing the present and the future state of mankind. But I am sick and tired. Just read my books. The Media today just shredder all news all day long and do not understand the formula “Power x Stupidity = Self destruction” that only will become evident in the year 2100. We may be proud of our democracies. But let’s face the formula “Democracy = dictatorship of dull majorities”, be these majorities of National-Sozialists, Marxists or Republicans. They all had their vanities and they all are or will tumble in an emptiness of thoughts of a future that will offer almost no reasonable prospects.

- Bush and the USA: Be wise, dismiss all incompetent politicians and have the most intelligent person govern this hegemonic state.
- Putin and Russia: Be wise, you live in the potentially richest nation on Earth. Do not throw away all energy and oil away for an apple and an egg, to the disadvantage of all future generations. Handle human beings in your south with more ethics.
- Europeans: Stop this fight for more richness which kills the workers and the future of our children. Take it easy and start to think about the future chances that we should leave to the ones coming after us.
- Chinese government: Be wise. Stop this vanity for growth, ending in a future collapse. Just see that the over one billion people get food and good living instead of futuristic dreams.
- Bin Laden and Muslim nations: Stop this anachronistic mess with the Sharia, give back equal rights to women and children, do not throw your oil for an ecological catastrophe away, stop Terrorism (have translated my attached study about “Private and state Terrorism and the imperceptible Terrorism in today’s Chaos of living).
- Palestinians: Have pity on those who do not know what they are doing and save the future of your children by renouncing to revenge past times crimes.
- Israelis: Forget your terrible past and work for a better future in the Middle East and the rest of the world. Jews are known as intelligent. Use your brains for the right purposes.

RENE DELAVY - Author of “Chaos” / “Power x Stupidity = Self destruction” / “Democracy = Dictatorship of dull majorities” (Diktatur der dummen Mehrheiten)
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